Wessex Specialist Physiotherapy


Wessex Specialist Physiotherapy offers a highly specialised physiotherapy service at Perform Southampton, Hampshire Wellbeing Centre and The Club at Chilworth Manor.

The practice offers only dedicated clinical specialist physiotherapists (the most highly trained senior physiotherapy grade) for every patient.

Specialist physio at the club


Wessex Specialist Physiotherapy can offer:

  • Expert assessment of Shoulder, Neck, Back, Hip, Knee, Foot and Ankle problems
  • Biomechanical assessment to establish the cause of the symptoms
  • Impartial advice regarding the most effective onward management of these problems, including onward referral for further diagnostic test or to a surgeon where appropriate.
  • Postural advice and strategies to prevent recurrence
  • Advice on ways in which home, workplace and recreational activity (including return to sports) can influence symptoms and recovery


Physiotherapy may include pool exercises

Treatment may include:

  • Hands-on treatment of muscles and joints
  • Stretching progammes
  • Bespoke exercise programmes for strengthening and rehabilitation including core stability

The aim of our treatments is to address and correct the cause of the symptoms, to return you to full function as soon as possible.