Wessex Specialist Lower Limb Service


Mel South MSc, MCSP, Specialist Lower Limb Physiotherapist

Mel South

Mel qualified in 1993, and has worked in both the NHS, and private practice in the UK and abroad. During her career to date, she has worked with various high level sports teams including ice hockey, basketball & Hampshire rugby. In 1999 Mel began her post as a clinical specialist for patients with foot and ankle problems, and worked closely with orthopaedic Consultants and podiatrists to develop a bespoke clinical service. These strong working relationships (now in the private sector alone) continue to this date.

In 2003 Mel gained a distinction in her Sports Injury and Therapy MSc, and her thesis on the effects of fatigue on ankle joint position sense was subsequently published. Her special interests are lower limb injuries and, in particular, foot and ankle problems; gait analyses and rehabilitation. She also has a post graduate diploma in hydrotherapy, and is qualified as a Barre plus instructor.

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Tel: 023 8047 5637